Notes from the November 6 Scheme UK Workshop

0.1  Introduction

Below is quick run down of what we covered in the workshop. We present the syntax and a few examples. It should s erve as a reminder or 'cheat sheet'.


  ; A comment

Anything from a semicolon to the end of a line is ignored by the Scheme intrepreter. We'll use comments to show the results of running Scheme expressions.

0.3  Function Application

(operator arg ...)

The most basic form. The operator always comes first, followed by the arguments (if there are any). For example:

(+ 1 1) ;2
(* (+ 2 1) 3) ;9

Note you work from the innermost parentheses out.

0.4  Function Definition

(define (name arg ...)
  body ...)

Defines a function called name that takes the arguments arg .... For example:

;; Contract:
;;   square : number -> number
;; Purpose:
;;   Squares a number
;; Example:
;;   (square 2) = 4
(define (square x)
  (* x x))

We can use square like any other operator:

(square 4) 8

Note the comments we've used to describe the function. It's good practice to do all of this. At the least the contract of the function should be specified.

0.5  Conditions

(< num1 num2)
(<= num1 num2)
(> num1 num2)
(>= num1 num2)

Scheme has the usual conditional operator, which return true (written #t) and false (written #f). E.g.:

(< 2 3)  ;\#t
(<= 3 3) ;\#t
(> 1 4)  ;\#f
(>= 3 3.05) ;\#f

We call #t and #f booleans.

0.6  If

(if condition

An if allows you to selectively evaluate an expression depending on a condition. If the condition is true, the true expression is evaluted. Otherwise the false expression is evaluated. For example, to define a function that return the absolute value of a number:

;; Contract:
;;   abs : number -> number
;; Purpose:
;;   Compute the absolute value of a number
;; Example:
;;  (abs -1) = 1
(define (abs x)
  (if (>= x 0)
      (* x -1)))

0.7  Cond

  [(test expr)]
  [(test expr)]

The cond form allows to write a load of test conditions. The first test to be true has its associated expression evaluated. cond is a convenient way to write a load of ifs.

For example:

;; Contract:
;;   sign : number -> number
;; Purpose:
;;   Compute the sign function:
;;    if x > 0, sign(x) = 1
;;    if x = 0, sign(x) = 0
;;    if x < 0, sign(x) = -1
;; Example:
;;  (sign -123) = -1
(define (sign x)
    [(> x 0) 1]
    [(= x 0) 0]
    [(< x 0) -1]))

Note that square brackets ([]) mean the same a parentheses. We use them as they visually distinguish the different clauses of the cond form. The same function written using if looks like:

(define (sign x)
  (if (> x 0)
      (if (= x 0)

The cond version is much clearer!

In case you're wondering why you'd want a function like sign it's sometimes used in artificial neural networks.

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