Chapter 3

SchemeUnit API

3.1  Core SchemeUnit

The test is the core type in SchemeUnit. A test is either a test case, which is a single action to test, or a test suite, which is a collection of tests.

test = test-case | test-suite
test-case = name × action
test-suite = name × tests
tests = listof test

An assertion is a predicate that checks a condition. The assertion fails if it's condition is false. Otherwise it succeeds. In SchemeUnit assertions fail by raising an exception of type exn:test:assertion. Otherwise they return #t.

A test-case action is a function of no arguments. A test-case succeeds if the action evaluates without raising an exception. Test-case failures are divided into two cases: those thrown as the result of an assertion failure, which we call failures and those thrown due to other reasons, which we call errors. We define a type test-result to encapsulate these concepts:

test-result = test-failure | test-error | test-success
test-failure = test-case × failure-exn
test-error = test-case × error-exn
test-success = test-case × result

The function run-test-action takes a name and action from a test-case and returns the test-result of running the action.

(run-test-action String (() -> #t)) => test-result

If is unusual to use the run-test-action function directly. SchemeUnit provides fold-test and fold-test-results functions that encapsulate common patterns of traversing tests.

(fold-test suite-fn case-fn cons-fn seed test)
(fold-test ((String 'a) -> 'a) ((String 'a) -> 'a) (('a 'a) -> 'a) 'a test) => 'a

(fold-test-results suite-fn case-fn cons-fn seed test)
(fold-test-results ((String 'a) -> 'a) (test-result -> 'a) (('a 'a) -> 'a) 'a test) => 'a

3.2  Constructing Test-Cases and Test-Suites

SchemeUnit provides macros for constructing test-cases and test-suites.

(make-test-case name action)
(make-test-case name action teardown)
(make-test-case name action setup teardown)

The make-test-case macro has three forms to construct a test-case. The name is a string that is reported if the test-case fails. The action in an expression that is evaluated to determine test success or failure. The optional setup and teardown are expressions that are run before and after the action respectively. They are useful for managing state required by a test. If is important to note that action, setup and teardown are all expressions that are wrapped in a lambda form by the macro. If multiple expressions are needed for any of the parts they must be wrapped in an explicit begin.

(make-test-suite name test ...)

The make-test-suite macro constructs a test-suite with the given name and tests.

3.3  Predefined Assertions

SchemeUnit provides a rich library of predefined assertions. Every assertion takes an optional message, which is a string that is displayed if the assertion fails. Each assertion comes in two variants: a macro with the given name, and a function with a * appended to the name. The macro version grabs source location which aid debugging, as so should be used wherever possible.

The predefined assertions are:

3.4  User Defined Assertions

SchemeUnit provides a way for user's to extend its builtin collection of assertions.

(define-assertion (name param ...) expr ...)

The define-assertion macro constructs an assertion that takes params arguments and an optional message and evaluates the exprs. The assertion fails if the result of the exprs is #f. Otherwise the assertion succeeds with a result of #t. The define-assertion macro actually constructs two assertions: a macro with name name that collects source location information, and a function with name name* that does not collection source location information but can be used in a higher-order fashion. In my experience higher-order assertions are useful for testing SchemeUnit but not much else.

You are encouraged to submit libraries of assertions to Schematics.

3.5  User Interfaces

SchemeUnit provides 3 user interfaces for running tests:

  1. A textual interface

  2. A graphical interface

  3. A graphical tool integrated in DrScheme

The textual inteface is in the module in the schemeunit collection. It provides a single function

(test/text-ui test)

that run with test and displays the results as text.

The DrScheme tool is automatically loaded so long as you install SchemeUnit into your collections directory. SchemeUnit adds a ``Test'' button to the toolbar. Click on this button to start the GUI.